Rogue Legacy 2

Rogue Legacy has returned! It now has a 2.
Rogue Legacy 2 It is one of the genealogical Rogue-LITE. That means it has all the features of the typical rogue-like (randomized run, changing characters along with even more) however, it also has persistent improvements, as well as the ability to keep heirs who die. This game is a bit different from the norm. The grind is not required. You can explore the endlessly changing world if you are able to play the game well. Or don’t! The choice is yours! All players can benefit from strong platforming, hard-core gameplay and a solid RPG platform.
Isn’t that the most ideal alternative? <3
Rogue Legacy 2:
A procedurally-generated adventure. Every life changes the kingdom The run is unique, so no two are the same.
Rogue-LITE. Create your own manor, increase your reputation, and make every child better than the preceding. It’s possible to defeat the game in level one but you don’t need to.
Universal Healthcare. Every child is unique. Some children may be suffering from Synethesia or a different one might be more pacifist, or perhaps just chubby. Because of Socialism the traits that cause more debilitating effects on gameplay can now be rewarded with gold!
Castle Permanence. It’s a Rogue-like game where bosses are dead.
Each class is equipped with their unique set of armaments. has their own distinct arsenal of weapons. Be able to take down enemies far away using your bow, as the swift Ranger, or get up and close with the enormous Battleaxe to become the Barbarian.
Stack Runes. Stack Runes. Even though it takes some time, you’ll soon be able to get penta jump and lifesteal.
And there’s a lot MORE. We’re still working on it as we’d love to have a few secrets in our back pocket. :)
This site may be temporary, however Rogue Legacy is forever!

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