The world's wars are won by giant war machines known as Wanzers in 2090. Huffman Island is the location where the Oceania Cooperative Union, (O.C.U.), can be found. Huffman Island is the only place where both the Oceania Cooperative Union (O.C.U.) and Unified Continental States are allowed to coexist. The land boundary between the United Continental States (U.C.S.) and Canada is an area of high conflict.
An O.C.U. A reconnaissance platoon under Captain Royd Clive was assigned to examine an U.C.S. munitions plant. It is the U.C.S. ambush them. They are ambushed by U.C.S. Wanzers. This triggers a chain of eventswhich plunges whole island into war. Royd's fiancee, Lieutenant Karen Meure, goes missing in action.
Royd is discharged from military service and sets off to find out what happened to Karen. He finds himself closer to the truth and those responsible.
Front Mission, with its dozens of characters and mature storyline, is finally the best tactical Japanese RPG, available globally.
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