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The Caligula Effect 2 Game Review

Redo – a world without regrets.
Regret is a mysterious Virtuadoll.
People who listen to her music are transported to another realm.
Redo’s virtual universe is built with regrets of many.
“If I had only different choices, I would have …”
It’s not impossible to realize your desires that you have been avoiding and improve your quality of life.
It’s a space that allows users to create the character they want to become If they decide to do something different.
Remake: A world with no regrets, where everybody can enjoy a new beginning.
The Go-Home-Club and another Songtress
Another one exists, namely kh. She is seeking to dismantle the false world of Redo.
She is a strong support to her protagonist, that is gradually realizing the truth – her chosen partner.
They are part of The Go-Home Club, gathering other members that have also been able to discover the world beyond Redo.
This is the beginning of their tough journey in bringing them home with no guarantees.
Go-Home Club’s True Selves
In Redo, members of the organization are wearing their “redone” forms that they’ve gotten through obliviousness and reversing old regrets.
Their true selves are secret forms only the player can handle.
Be careful and make sure you don’t regret your actions
Redo people who belong to Go-Home Club members who have been redone. Go-Home Club are found in “redone” form – reflections on regrets of the past which have been forgiven.
Everyone is trapped in an unsettling situation for them to be unable to avoid reality.
What did they do? What is the reason they are trying for so long to return to the pain of their past? This is just one of the many mysteries that players must solve.
You may be able to discover members who are not true.
Be careful and make sure you don’t look back on your decisions
The Imaginary Chain
You can forecast the future by using chain combination as well as the battle system!
The battled system relies on turn-based. Once you’ve selected one of the actions, you are able to examine the future to find out how the plan is going to be carried out.
It is possible to use this ability to protect or coordinate allies in tough situations.
When certain conditions are met in battle, a kh-Jack is activated, in which Kh’s vocal voice is able to take over the battlefield , and activates Go-Home Club. Go-Home Club.
The result is dependent upon the tune chosen. The power of this move can be enough to change the entire course of battle.
To enhance the effectiveness of a Kh-Jack, develop kh’s abilities.
WIRE offers a group chat feature that lets you communicate privately with your buddies and share club-related goals.
It is possible to be amazed at what you learn from these individuals.
There are only a few particular questions by attaining the highest affinity or by completing missions.
Residents of Redo’s ideal world are not plagued by problems or complaints.
It could be their actual self or even from previous personal relations
Complete quests from townsfolk to collect more details and uncover hidden truths.

Reviewed by porn comics mha

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